Whether you have found yourself in a stressed situation after another person cut in front of you in line or during a disagreement with a friend, you probably know that it does not take much for things to get out of hand. As anyone who has been in a heated situation knows, tension can evolve into arguing, yelling, or violence in the blink of an eye.
Unlike most states, Texas does not have different laws for assault and battery. Therefore, any type of unwanted or offensive touching will be charged as assault in San Antonio, even if no physical harm was suffered. If you or someone you care about is facing an assault charge in San Antonio, now is the time to enlist the help of a trusted criminal defense attorney such as Criminal Defense Attorney Sophia C. Martinez.
Assault Charges You Could Face in San Antonio, Texas
Since “assault” is so broadly defined in Texas, criminal charges for assault can arise from various situations. Whether you punched another person in a bar fight or spat on someone in the street, you could be convicted of assault.
Many people in San Antonio end up facing serious charges for assault because of a simple mistake or misunderstanding. In Texas, you can be charged with assault for:
- Causing someone serious bodily injury, whether intentionally or unintentionally
- Threatening to cause imminent bodily injury to another person
- Conducting physical contact that is known to be provoking or aggressive
An assault charge in Texas and can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the unique circumstances surrounding your case. However, the primary difference between a misdemeanor and felony assault is that one involves several aggravating factors such as prior arrests, the injury caused or the type of victim.
For an assault to be a misdemeanor crime, it must involve threatening or causing bodily harm without any aggravating factors. A felony assault, on the other hand, involves aggravating factors and certain types of victims, such as public servants, family members, and emergency services personnel.
Possible Penalties for Assault in San Antonio, Texas
Although it is entirely natural for emotions to run high in tense situations, assault is a serious criminal charge that you do not want on your record. If you find yourself facing an assault charge in San Antonio, you could be facing penalties such as:
- Imprisonment for up to ten years with fines up to $10,000 in certain felonies or
- County jail time for up to one year with fines up to $4000.00 or
- Restitution payment to the victim(s)
- Community supervision (probation), which often includes:
- Regular meetings with a probation officer
- Paying probation costs
- Attending treatment
- Maintaining employment
- Abiding by curfews
- Avoiding any criminal activity
If you are facing assault or charge in San Antonio, you could end up with severe penalties. A mark on your criminal record can haunt you for the rest of your life if you are convicted of assault in Texas, especially if you become a convicted felon.
Experienced, Trusted Assault Defense Attorney in San Antonio, Texas
When facing an assault charge, the best way to protect your rights, future, and freedom is to partner with an experienced San Antonio criminal defense lawyer. Sophia Martinez Law provides aggressive, methodical representation that has your best interests in mind. Attorney Sophia C. Martinez has represented clients facing all types of criminal charges, including felony and misdemeanor crimes.
Due to Sophia’s comprehensive background as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, she has the experience to understand all sides of San Antonio assault cases, allowing her to provide the most advantageous defense and protection for her clients. Call (210) 226-3000or submit a completed contact form to schedule your free consultation today!
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