Prostitution stings are a legal method used by law enforcement with the goal of eradicating prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation in the state of Texas. This type of operation can sometimes walk the fine line between being a legal means of combating prostitution and being considered entrapment. If you have been charged with prostitution or soliciting a prostitute in Texas, it is important that you understand how prostitution sting operations are performed and when they are legal or not.
Sophia Martinez Law is a Texas law office offering criminal defense services to clients who have been charged with prostitution or soliciting a prostitute as a result of a prostitution sting. If you were charged with a crime following a prostitution sting operation, Attorney Sophia Martinez can help investigate your case to better understand whether the sting was operated legally and how to best protect your rights and interests as you build your defense case.
Understanding the Difference Between a Prostitution Sting Operation and Entrapment
In the state of Texas, the law describes prostitution as the act of engaging or agreeing to engage in sexual conduct with a person in exchange for compensation and is charged as a misdemeanor crime. Solicitation of a prostitute is understood to be the act of paying or agreeing to pay a fee to someone in exchange for performing a sexual act or requesting that someone engage in sexual conduct in exchange for money.
The act of soliciting a prostitute is considered a state jail felony in Texas and is punishable by the following:
- A fine of up to $10,000
- A jail sentence between six months and two years
Regardless of what type of crime you have specifically been charged with, it is important that you understand the key differences.
What Is a Prostitution Sting Operation?
One way that law enforcement sets out to catch prostitutes and the individuals soliciting them is through sting operations. In these operations, authorities may fight prostitution by using buildings that are rented by law enforcement who are posing as prostitutes. Another example of a sting operation is when law enforcement sets up a storefront offering a service such as massages with no licenses posted and uses suggestive photographs on the sign or inside the building. A police sting operation must involve the person of interest committing any illegal acts of their own free will and without persuasion or coercion from law enforcement.
What Is Entrapment?
Entrapment occurs when law enforcement persuades a person to commit a criminal act that the person may not have otherwise committed. When law enforcement is in the midst of a sting operation, they may go too far when making initial contact with the target by encouraging a person walking by to enter into the storefront from the street. However, it is not considered entrapment if law enforcement officers offer sexual services see how the target of the sting operation responds to that suggestion. Entrapment can be a potential defense for a criminal charge resulting from a sting operation in the state of Texas.
To get help gathering evidence to support that you were the victim of entrapment, contact a Texas criminal defense lawyer with experience building strong defense cases for individuals facing serious penalties due to a prostitution sting operation.
Speak With a Top-Rated Criminal Defense Lawyer in Texas
At Sophia Martinez Law, you will be provided with the trusted and dedicated legal representation you deserve. If you believe that you were wrongfully charged with prostitution, the solicitation of a prostitute, or other related sex crimes, Attorney Sophia C. Martinez may be able to help with your defense case.
Attorney Sophia C. Martinez is a former family violence prosecutor and assistant district attorney with more than 25 years of experience helping clients with their criminal defense cases. To schedule a consultation, fill out our contact form or call (210) 226-3000.