Handling State and Federal Criminal Offenses
If you or someone you care about is facing an assault charge in San Antonio, now is the time to enlist the help of a trusted criminal defense attorney such as Criminal Defense Attorney Sophia C. Martinez.
Criminal Defense
Criminal penalties can include fines, probation, or even imprisonment. Sophia C. Martinez will do everything in her power to avoid or decrease them.
Drug Crimes
Judges often prosecute drug crimes to the full extent of the law. Take the necessary steps toward a favorable ruling. Acquire a drug crime attorney who will fight relentlessly to help mitigate your criminal case.
Police in San Antonio aggressively pursue DWI arrests. You deserve a DWI attorney on your side who is just as determined to fight the charges against you and help you keep your driving privilege.
Expunctions & Non-Disclosure
Past criminal acts and improper legal documentation can tarnish your image and prevent you from progressing professionally. Sophia Martinez can pursue necessary legal action to help clear your name.
Family Violence
Family violence affairs require the keen attention of an experienced attorney to fight for the best possible outcome. These cases can be highly complicated, especially when children are in the picture.
Misdemeanor and felony offenses can jeopardize your future. Steep fines and jail time are possible, even for a first offense. Sophia Martinez can fight the charges against you and help you preserve your freedom.
Motion to Revoke Probation
A Motion to Revoke Probation(MTRP) is a motion filed by the State of Texas when an individual, who is on probation, is in violation of their conditions of probation. An MTRP results in a warrant being issued for the individual who is in violation of probation and this requires that a new bond be posted in order to have the warrant removed.
Suspended License Lawyer
Lawyer Sophia C. Martinez will build a strong defense strategy to get you back behind the wheel again when you partner with our firm.
Theft Crimes
Theft is a property crime that warrants severe criminal penalties. No matter if you are facing charges for theft, robbery, or burglary, you can benefit from having an experienced theft attorney in your corner.
White Collar Crimes
Regardless of how much money was involved, a white-collar crime can severely damage your reputation, freedom, and assets. It is critical that you partner with a reputable defense attorney to build an effective defense strategy.
Weapons Defense
Facing a weapons charge can be frightening. Attorney Sophia C. Martinez is here to fight for your freedom today. No matter the severity of your case, it will be handled with the attentiveness and vigor it deserves.